My dad has been after me for awhile to start a blog. I think he’s a touch addled, but given his swiftly advancing age, (he’s about two years away from being crotchety), I thought I should grant him this bizarre request. I’m disclosing all of this to you upfront so that:
1. You can blame my father for what follows, and
2. So that I can tell you how much it means to me that my dad thinks I might be that cool.
Now that you have my references, let me introduce myself.
My name is Crystal, my favorite color is glitter and I’m about three seconds away from graduating from nursing school! Shout out to all my fellow nurses and new grad nurselings! #RN4Life
*Insert Medical Gang Signs*
Exactly what would a medical gang sign look like anyhow? One finger curved, manual disimpaction style? Or perhaps both hands up in a sterile field pose. I don’t know, but that should totally be a thing.
Moving on.
Let’s see, I’m a fairly needy wife, (“Will you tell me again that I’m pretty?”), I love intensely, within an inch of my life, and I’m a mediocre mother to the most spectacular kids I’ve ever met. I’m a crap-ton of other things I’m just starting to discover. I’m working on the mediocrity as well as the neediness. My life is a permanent construction zone and if you hang out for very long you might want to invest in a hard hat.
In between all that life maintenance, I enjoy collecting ridiculous fun facts and awesome, strange-sounding words. Words like spätzle. Fun fact: spätzle is a German noodley type side dish. It’s also tasty when served as a curse word. You should try that later and report back.
I have a severe case of emotional incontinence. That’s emotional C-Diff to all you medical types. To the layperson, it translates to frequent, explosive emotions that often leave me raw and in need of supplemental nutrition (read cupcakes). Don’t worry, unlike attitude-itis, emotional incontinence is not contagious…as far as we know. But let’s be honest, hand washing wasn’t even a thing until a couple of centuries back. Thank you Dr. Semmelweis! Speaking of, you should go wash your hands. Just to be safe.
We may not be friends yet, but I have several openings at the moment. I’m always in the market for friends. I hope you’ll stick around awhile so we can share our hilarious weirdness with each other and swap tips on adulting.
WELCOME to my world!
The Glittery Nurse
Yes, yes, and yes! *following* ?
Well hello there and welcome to the bloggy world, Glittery Nurse. Glitter is a pretty spectacular color. It fits right up there with Sparkle! I knew I always loved you for a reason! I’m over the moon that you listened to your dad and started a blog. Weirdness should really be a color also…just sayin’. I’m off to add your blog to my Bloglovin’ feed!
Glittery love to you,
Yes! Totally following! You have such a way with words! I love it!
Oh Crystal, I am glad you are doing this! Your dad and I spoke about this at Thanksgiving, You have such a way with words and I am glad you are sharing them!!
Love your humor!!! Aunt N