Benchmark Birthday and New Orleans

It’s the beginning of birthday season in my family, and that has me wondering about what sort of year this birthday might bring. The numbers in my age this time around will be the same sequence of numbers in my birthday itself, which is decidedly promising and full of happy intrigue. This year has already brought so many wonderful things with it, and I’m convinced those magical moments are meant to multiply, without the implied mathery, because I don’t math very well.

So far, I’ve had the honor of joining a profession I’ve always idolized, and gained my RN title, which was not easily earned. That alone is enough to make 2016 worthy of historic notability in my life’s sparkly timeline, don’t you think? I’ve met and connected with some pretty fantastic new nursey type people over the last two months and just last weekend I was able to see New Orleans for the first time! The nurse training program I started in January is finishing up this week and I’m finally going to head home to start the new life that took my family and I years to piece together.

I have so much happiness in and around me right now as I watch my world begin to bloom. Antique dreams that have been in my life long enough to have their edges worn and softened, are bursting out of their soil and looking up at the shining sun full of possibilities. The very words you’re reading are seedlings sprouting from a wish I made as a wide eyed 12 year old looking up through a window at the stars, wanting to be heard. I didn’t know I would get to do this, and I’m amazed and awed that you’re here, feeling it and reading the random things that spill out of my heart.  Thank you for that!

I have some unbelievably cool things in the works for all my nurse friends out there, and I can’t wait to tell you about them! It’ll take some time, months even, before I can spill the beans, but just know this: it’s big and it’s fun and I think you might have a giant happy fit over the impending awesome.  I don’t feel completely prepared for all the plans I have, but if there’s one thing I’ve learned recently it’s that feeling ready is not a prerequisite for starting. If anything it’s a hindrance and a roadblock that could easily stop me from doing anything at all. So I’m pushing through the self doubt, and preparing, holding my head high so as not to miss out on any of the unexpected awesome that might come my way.

I realize these are excruciatingly vague references to things I’m not disclosing, but I’m using these cliffhangers as a pressure relief valve for all my excited, wobbly-stomached feels. Sorry about that. Maybe I should just tell you about New Orleans instead of rambling on about amorphous ideas and plans. Would that be better?

Okay, so my brother and his amazing fiancé live about as far away from me and my family as life could take them, unless you’re the Scott Kelly type. Our successes and loves took us down very distant paths and so we miss out on a lot of the small day to day things. They had planned a trip to Nola, and being that it’s so much closer to me than, say, the moon, I had to go, even if it was only for one night. So I spent every possible moment of my weekend in New Orleans making memories and having a blast with two of the coolest kids I know. They let me be as kitschy as I wanted, and even bought me beads so I didn’t have to abandon my dignity. Wasn’t that thoughtful? They’re pros at New Orleansing, having been there a time or two before.  I on the other hand was admittedly touristy. I drug them around and made them do all the obligatory things, like beignets, grenades, hurricanes, and Bourbon Street.   There were dances in the streets, hoards of friends I’d never met and even sparkly masks with hot pink feathers!

The coolest part was getting to hang out with my soon to be sister. She’s got that thing that all women strive for but only the lucky are born with. She’s kind and authentic and absolutely beautiful. We laughed so much I was sore the next day. I’m pretty sure my brother was glad when I headed home because she’s so much fun, and I totally monopolized her the entire time.  Try as I might, I only feel a teensy bit bad about it. Whatever, he gets her the rest of the year so I took my 18 hours of awesome and I regret nothing.

Seriously I can’t wait to do it again. I got to look up at the stars from a brick-walled courtyard whose peaceful silence was spiritual in contrast to the lively celebration happening outside. We stayed out all night, and my brother told me things I’ll remember forever as we bonded over our appreciation of the night sky above all the chaotic happiness.

I’ll put my glittery hot pink mask somewhere handy in case the need for shenanigans arises. I’ll be ready.

Yes it’s already been a beautiful year for this ordinary girl with lofty dreams and exciting plans. I wonder what magic my next year might bring.

Antiqued and still dreaming,

The Glittery Nurse

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