Correct Bulb Placement and Some Recently Used Air


My husband and I had a wreath conflict over the holidays. I made the wreath a few years back with a gold bow on top and a Christmas Bulb hanging from the bow.  Nothing fancy, but I like it.  When questioned about this years wreath placement, my husband informed me that I’ve been hanging it wrong all this time. The picture above has the recently modified, correct bulb placement. It’s a guy thing and it involves dangling. Apparently bulbs should also work on the buddy system. I get it. My bulb sensitivity horizons have been expanded, thank you Love.

I’ve had the best Christmas of my life! It’s been full up to the top with my favorite people and places and things. I collected the best moments, and put them in my heart, for keeps. I hope your Christmas was full of good things too, but if it wasn’t, I’ve been there friend. It gets better. Keep swimming.

I feel like you and I are at a point in our relationship where we can share. I need to ask you something: Does recently used air freak you out?  Because I can’t hang with some used air. You know the stuff I’m talking about. The turbulent air that’s still slightly warm having only recently been expelled from a nearby mouth. Shudder. Or how about the nefarious flatus that lingers behind some jack-hole who just exited the elevator, or the gastric bubbles that surface in the form of a quiet burp that’s breathed heavily towards your general direction. Have you ever thought about where those smelly particles lived before they entered your nares and took up residence in your lung sacs? Because in my head, I go there, every single time. Its upsetting.  I’ve always wondered why people around me don’t seem to notice. Used air. It’s everywhere!  There should be awards and gold stars for people who can function despite neurosis.  Just imagine doing a job, that often puts you in the way back and the down under, (if you know what I mean), with this narrative playing inside your head. It’s really gross. There are some things you just can’t un-breathe. Be strong out there, fellow informed breathers! Find your happy place, and bring all the sanitizer.

Inhale with caution,

The Glittery Nurse

One thought on “Correct Bulb Placement and Some Recently Used Air

  1. Oh, the used air! It’s everywhere! And for us, an occupational hazard!

    I hope you had a great Christmas and an even happier new year!

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