My Village of Awesome Pieces

flowerI’ve never been one of those people who thought a better life could be had by anyone who was willing to go to school, get an education and subsequently a better, higher paying job.  It’s true that an education is helpful in improving your life, but my point is, I know it’s not that simple. There’s so much more to it than that, and there have been times in my own life when it was impossible for me to go to school, for lack of a support system. It truly does take a village.  I tell you all this just to say that it’s not lost on me, all the countless things that had to go exactly right in order for me to be graduating tomorrow.  There were countless pieces to this puzzle and if even one had not been in its place, the entire picture would be skewed.  So today, in honor of all the awesome pieces that came together to build my village, I’m taking a moment to be thankful, acceptance speech style.

To the person who told me I could be more, THANK YOU!  I still think about your kind words and that recommendation letter you wrote.

For the charge nurse who told me you were proud of me, on that day when I didn’t know if I’d be able to do that impossible job, I’ll be forever grateful. That small kindness kept me going and I’m so glad I stuck it out!

To the countless nurses over the last two years, who worked, out loud, so that I could learn something, THANK YOU!  I hope I can do that for someone who comes behind me someday.

To that coworker from years ago, that made life miserable with your oppressively bad attitude, THANK YOU! I learned so much about how contagious your work attitude can be, and how important it is to TRY. You taught me not to stay somewhere if I couldn’t make myself happy there. It was an invaluable lesson and I’m glad to have learned it.

To the instructor who let me cry in the supply closet and told me I would make it, THANK YOU!  I made it through fourth semester due, in no small part, to your quiet kindness and your sense of humor.

To the brave, unwise soul, who let me start my very first IV, what in God’s name were you thinking??? Just kidding. THANK YOU for being such a good sport. Also, I’m terribly sorry about the T-Rex arm I left you with.

To my partner in crime, it wouldn’t have been the same without you. You  understood it because you lived it with me. THANK YOU for all the laughs and lets be honest, a few ugly cries too.

To my study group, you’re amazing! You are the kind of women I want to be: encouraging, helpful, kind, confident and determined, THANK YOU!

To my classmate and IV king, who took me aside in the ER, told me I could do it, and walked me through an expert technique for starting an IV. I finally got it! And you did that for me, THANK YOU!

To my best friend, who was always there, and never doubted, THANK YOU! You make my life much more livable and I love you for it!

To my dad, who urged me to do something medical, and then waited many, many, many years for me to make up my own mind, THANK YOU! You’ve set a great example. I hope I can make you proud.

To my mom, who was on standby day and night, always just a phone call away, ready to love on a sick child, or be the school pick up person on a late clinical night, and who genuinely prayed for me every single day of this journey, and my whole life, from the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU!

To my kids, for giving me a wide-eyed, beautifully innocent reason to become more, THANK YOU!  You are in absolutely everything I do!

To my husband for loving me regardless, encouraging me without pressuring me, supporting me and knowing, even though I never believed, that I could do this, I LOVE YOU! You are the cornerstone piece of this life we’re lucky enough to live together.

Love to every piece of my village,

The Glittery Nurse



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